Sunday, March 15, 2009


Only one s, only one s.....
Whilst Jini still recuperates, she has given me permission to post for her! She still has some palsy from her medications and has trouble typing...only one s...

Duane and I went to see her yesterday afternoon. After a drive viewing wildflowers, a wonderful time of year in Bakersfield, we dropped in to see the folks and Jini. I had not seen her since a week after her surgery when she was still on the touch and go list, so it was refreshing to see 'ole Jini' sitting in THEE Rocking chair, chatting with us. She looks great!! And sharp and witty as ever! With good DR reports and progress she continues to get stronger and I'm sure, soon will be running the New York Marathon! Well, maybe walk through Target without needing to sleep for a few hours to recoup!! Thank you all for your many prayers for her and Mom and Mac! Please continue to pray, she still has a long way to go to be back to her obnoxious self, though she's close now!