Tuesday, December 9, 2008

UCLA Journal 2

Well, I've spent a frusting day trying to figute out how to make this blog work to no avail. I've emailed Carol for help and hope she'll be able to help me via internet and email.

Today was pretty much normal. I've finally gotten the nurses "trained" so they don't wake me up much before 10 am. I keep threatening to post a note on the door that says "I don't do mornings. Come back after 10:00." The only problem with that is doctors can't read!!!

Had a visit from two heart receipents today. They wanted to tell me all about what it was like having a transplalnt. I've heard most of it from my friend Gene who got his heart about 13 years ago. But it was nice of them to stop by.

The head nurse for the pump device I'm getting was in. She gave me some booklets to read and a couple of DVD's to watch. The first is just testamonials from people who have gotten the pump and how it's not as hard to live with as you feel when you first hear about it. The other was about HOW you live with it.

The surgery is tenatively scheduled for thursday - baring any emergencies (transplants) from showing up. After watching the videos, I find I'm not all that anxious about getting it. It looks pretty straight forward. The gentleman two doors down from me also helped any concerns I might have had by paying me a visit. He's three weeks since his inplant and is probably going home on wednesday. I got to see the device close up and ask questions. So, all in all, I'm quite comfortable with what's going to happen.

I want to thank all of you who have emailed me to tell me you've seen my blog (even though it's not working and you don't seem to be able to read my posts. Hopefully, with Carol's help, that will soon be corrected and you'll be able to read this.

It's almost 3:30 am and I think I'm finally sleepy enough to try sleeping again so I'll just close this with my thanks to all of you for your support. I'm keeping you all in my prayers and you have all my love


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